Spring update - the shop and cafe draw closer

Here is my March Update – slightly later than I hoped but there is real progress to report! And some exciting upcoming events to tell you about.

Start of building work now in sight

You will remember from my December update that Neil Truphet has stepped in as Project Manager to organise and supervise the church alterations needed for the shop, rather than using a third party contractor. We recently met with the Diocesan Advisory Council which needs to approve what changes are made to the church. We are pleased to say that they were impressed by our presentation and all the work put in by Neil and the Churchwardens to demonstrate that we had the expertise to run the project with Neil working as ‘pro bono’  Project Manager.

This means that we can go ahead with the works as soon as we have our trades people lined up and all the formalities for the build have been dealt with. Whilst no work has yet commenced, this is real progress! In order to keep our costs down, there will be a role for some practically minded volunteers with some elements of the building work - please contact neil@truphet.com if you would like to help.

Grocery expertise

You may have spotted on Amberley’s Facebook page that we are keen to find any volunteers who can help us to plan in detail the stock for the shop. If you know anyone with any grocery experience and a few hours to spare, then please get in touch.

Bunting making Saturday 2 April

Alison is leading the creation of 100 metres of bunting in the Parish Rooms. This is to adorn the village for our Jubilee event on Saturday 11  June. Volunteers who can sew, cut or make tea are gratefully accepted. Contact Alison onalison@truphet.com 

Pop up café Saturday 7 May

We will be providing a pop-up café alongside the Amberley Gardening Club annual plant sale on Saturday 7 May.

If you have a couple of hours to spare, we are looking for a few volunteers. We need help between 8.30am and 1pm to set up and strike the gazebos, set out the tables, make and serve teas/coffee and cakes, and clear away. We would welcome any donations of home-made cakes or cookies. They can be dropped off in the porch at Alison’s house the evening before or brought to the school green on the Saturday morning. If you can help, please contact alison@truphet.com.


“Amberley Celebrates!” the Platinum Jubilee on Saturday 11 June. Join us on the school green between 2 and 5pm for a flower and produce show, beetle drive and morris dancing. Sign up for a floral workshop and wander back in time in our exhibition of photographs of past jubilees and coronations. There will be a bar, and afternoon tea will be available.

The flower and produce show is open to all. Entries are invited for the “freestyle” show which will be loosely divided into four categories: fruit, vegetables, flowers and produce. There will be children’s categories too. Look out for the entry forms which will be available soon.

Floral workshop

A meadow-inspired floral workshop will be held in the Parish Room from 1 -3 pm on 11 June.Vicky from Amberley Meadow is a local artisan florist providing seasonal and sustainable floral designs. She is joining us to host a meadow inspired floral workshop using her own homegrown and meadow flowers. You will learn a foam free technique to create this simple but beautiful design. 

There are 10 adult places available at £20 each. One child (min age 9 years) may accompany an adult on application. To reserve your place please contact Vicky on 07814722301. You can visit her on Instagram @amberleymeadow .  The floral creations will be displayed and used for photography during the celebrations and are yours to take home and keep.


If you have any photographs of past jubilee or coronations celebrations in Amberley and surrounding area which you would be able to loan us for the photographic exhibition, please let Alison know on alison@truphet.com

Thank you for your continued support!


Helen Demuth - Chair Amberley Shop on the Common 


Amberley celebrates


Dec 22, 2021: Update from Helen Demuth