Amberley celebrates

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Saturday 11 June, 2 – 5pm on the School Green

Flower and Produce Show

Section 1: Flowers either displayed in water or growing in a container

Section 2: Fruit and vegetables either separately or as a mixed presentation.

Children’s section (11 and under): A Miniature Garden on a plate.

Bring your entries between 11 and 12 noon on 11 June and report to the Show Steward.

For more information please email

Floral Workshop from 1 – 3pm in Parish Room

Tickets £20 booked in advance with Vicky of Amberley Meadow on 07841 722301

Traditional games with beetle drive, tombola and raffle

Afternoon Teas and Bar 

Morris Dancing Displays

Historic photographic display of village shops and celebrations

 Please help!

WE NEED BOTTLES of any kind for the Tombola. Please leave in the porch at Knole House (along from the phone box library) from 5th June

WE NEED PHOTOS for the display – on loan, to be returned

WE NEED YOUR HELP!  If you can help on the day in any way, even if you only have an hour to spare, please sign up -

Money raised will support the community shop and Access for All projects


Bunting workshop


Spring update - the shop and cafe draw closer