Find out what’s happening this month in the shop and cafe.
Friday 21st February - Friday Cuppa 10.30am -12 noon in the Church
Sunday 23rd February - Musical Sundays, 2.30pm-3.30pm, RODBOROUGH FOLK ORCHESTRA come and enjoy some lovely music with your tea and cake on a Sunday afternoon.
Monday 24th February - Scrabble in the cafe every Monday 2pm-3pm.
Monday 24th February- *NEW* - CRAFTERNOON every monday in the cafe from 2-3.30pm, bring your craft project and chat away as you craft over a cuppa.
Tuesday 25th February - *NEW* SALT BAKEHOUSE will be introducing a new stop at Amberley Shop, 10.30 – 11.30am EVERY TUESDAY.
Friday 28th February - Friday Cuppa 13am -12 noon in the Church
Monday 3rd March - Scrabble in the cafe every Monday 2pm-3pm.
Monday 3rd March - *NEW* - CRAFTERNOON every monday in the cafe from 2-3.30pm, bring your craft project and chat away as you craft over a cuppa.
Tuesday 4th March - *NEW* SALT BAKEHOUSE will be introducing a new stop at Amberley Shop, 10.30 – 11.30am EVERY TUESDAY.
Friday 7th March - Friday Cuppa 10.30am -12 noon in the Church
Monday 10th March - Scrabble in the cafe every Monday 2pm-3pm.
Monday 10th March - *NEW* - CRAFTERNOON every monday in the cafe from 2-3.30pm, bring your craft project and chat away as you craft over a cuppa.
Tuesday 11th March - *NEW* SALT BAKEHOUSE will be introducing a new stop at Amberley Shop, 10.30 – 11.30am EVERY TUESDAY.
Friday 14th March - Friday Cuppa 10.30am -12 noon in the Church
Monday 17th March - Scrabble in the cafe every Monday 2pm-3pm.
Monday 17th March - *NEW* - CRAFTERNOON every monday in the cafe from 2-3.30pm, bring your craft project and chat away as you craft over a cuppa.
Tuesday 18th March - *NEW* SALT BAKEHOUSE will be introducing a new stop at Amberley Shop, 10.30 – 11.30am EVERY TUESDAY.
Friday 21st March - Friday Cuppa 10.30am -12 noon in the Church
Sunday 23rd March - Musical Sundays, 2.30pm-3.30pm, AMBERLEY COMMUNITY CHOIR come and enjoy some lovely music with your tea and cake on a Sunday afternoon.
Monday 24th March - Scrabble in the cafe every Monday 2pm-3pm.
Monday 24th March - *NEW* - CRAFTERNOON every monday in the cafe from 2-3.30pm, bring your craft project and chat away as you craft over a cuppa.
Tuesday 25th March - *NEW* SALT BAKEHOUSE will be introducing a new stop at Amberley Shop, 10.30 – 11.30am EVERY TUESDAY.
Sunday 30th March - Mothers day cream teas - booking essential.
Saturday 26 April - Amberley Gardening Club are holding their annual plant sale in the church/shop forecourt 10-12.30
Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th May - The Cow Hunt.
Saturday 2nd June - shop and cafe 2nd birthday party celebrations.