Thank you to everyone who entered the quiz at our first birthday party.

The winner was Coral Francis and her team who got a phenomenal 16 out of 20.

  1. There are five additional places called Amberley – which countries are they in? Australia, New Zealand, US (Ohio), UK/England (W Sussex and Herefordshire)

  2. When did it last snow in Amberley? 2nd March 2024

  3. What are the classes at Amberley school named after? Cows

  4. According to Google Maps, where is the centre of Amberley? The green outside the school/by Amberley Inn

  5. Which weekend is the Amberley cow hunt each year? The May Day Bank Holiday / first weekend of May

  6. What year was Amberley Holy Trinity Church built? 1836

  7. When do bee orchids flower on the Common? May to July

  8. Lord John (aka Earl Russell) of Stroud Weatherspoons fame bought Rodborough Manor in 1855. What was his most high profile job? Prime Minister

  9. Lord John’s son was Viscount Amberley but which famous person was his grandson? Bertrand Russell

  10. Who headlined at Glastonbury the year our shop opened? Elton John, Guns and Roses or Artic Monkeys

  11. Who recently opened the John Spiers gallery in the church? Archbishop of Canterbury

  12. How many products are sold at the shop (to the nearest 100)? 985

  13. How much is a flat white in the café (to the nearest 20p) £2.95

  14. What is the most expensive item in the shop? Cotswold whisky

  15. What are the cheapest items in the shop? Haribo bag or Freddo frog

  16. Where does our shop get its cheese from? Taylors of Minchinhampton

  17. How many shareholders are there on the Amberley Shop share register? 234

  18. How old are our youngest volunteers, not including Y6 takeovers? 14

  19. How many coffees have we sold over the last year (to the nearest 1000)? We published 12,000 in our press release but now we are closer to 15,000 so any answer around that was accepted

  20. What is the most popular cake/savoury sold in the café? Chocolate shortbread (followed closely by cherry and almond and cheese scones)