Dec 22, 2021: Update from Helen Demuth

It is now a year since we asked you to subscribe for shares and you are no doubt wondering how we are getting on. 

Those who attended the Annual Members Meeting on 18th October 2021 will know how far we had got by that date and the minutes can be found here: 

At the meeting we explained that out of the four contractors who agreed to submit tenders, in the end we had received only two tenders for the work, both of which far exceeded our estimates. This forced us to rethink and come up with a new approach. 

Our Chairman, Neil Truphet, who has many years of experience in construction and project management has reviewed the tenders with the church and believes we can substantially reduce costs by procuring the works on a ‘trade by trade’ basis with Neil acting as project manager.  This exercise is ongoing and is already having the desired effect. 

Obviously Neil cannot continue as Chair whilst project managing this all important stage so he has tendered his resignation as Chairman to concentrate on organising the building work. 

Neil conceived the idea of a community shop and he and his wife Alison have invested an enormous amount of time and effort over the last few years for which we are hugely grateful. 

In our most recent committee meeting, I was appointed as Chair to replace him. I have lived permanently in Amberley since 2006 and have watched the shop project grow, first from a distance and then as Membership Secretary. I retired as a partner in a professional firm in Bristol in March 2020 so now have more time coupled with the experience of a lifetime to help get the shop up and running.

My role to date had been as membership secretary, spearheading the share issue. Neil is a very hard act to follow but we do have a keen and able Management Committee and volunteers who will be supporting me. As always we appreciate your feedback and suggestions – please do to get in touch if you have any ideas or would like to be involved in any way.   You can contact me by email  if you have any questions.

I look forward to becoming more involved in this fantastic project. We will get there! 



Spring update - the shop and cafe draw closer


Annual Members’ Meeting