Member survey and access appeal
Since we first conducted a survey two years ago, we have done a lot more thinking about what we want to sell in the shop, including research about what works at other successful community shops.
But now it is time for you to have your say so please take a few minutes to complete the Amberley Shop on the Common stock survey. We hope the ideas in the survey remind you how exciting it will be to have this shop and café on our doorstep. Please feel free to add your own suggestions as we are open to new ideas although we can’t promise to fit everything in. In the survey you will see that since the pandemic, the Post Office are no longer supporting the role out of new Post Office Locals, we have therefore come up with a plan to provide a posting station in the shop and we are arranging a daily collection for parcels and letters.
You might recall in our last email we mentioned plans for a community appeal to improve accessibility and facilities across the church and parish rooms. This appeal has now been launched and is inching towards its target. You will see from the letter that the work will benefit customers of the shop and café as well as the wider community and so we hope you will be generous in your support. The donation form and letter can be found by following this link and downloading the PDFs.
Meanwhile work continues as we raise the remaining funds for the shop and get close to issuing tenders.
Thank you for doing the survey and for your continued support and interest.