Magnificent support for share offer!

Thanks to the generosity of 225 supporters we have raised £72,000 through the share offer. That is an amazing achievement and is a great step forward in making our shop a reality. By exceeding our target of £60,000 the community has demonstrated commitment to the shop and this will really help us to secure the remaining funds.

Some of you have asked whether it will be possible to buy shares in the future. The answer is yes, but the Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) relief is unlikely to be available for shares purchased after 5 April 2021.

What happens next? We plan to open by the end of this year. Our priority is to secure the remaining funds, and we are applying to various trusts and funding bodies. The projected building and fit out costs for the shop are £160,000 and, as we have raised £137,000, we have to secure a further £23,000. We are in a good position, we are well on the way to securing the remaining funding, we have 30 new volunteers and work continues preparing tender documents and identifying contractors.

In tandem with our project, plans are underway to improve accessibility and facilities across the church and parish rooms, benefiting everyone who uses the building. Improvements include: refurbished main steps; accessible toilets in a repurposed choir vestry; an accessible ramp to the parish rooms; and alterations to the balcony. With the exception of the ramp this work needs to be undertaken at the same time as the shop fit out to minimise disruption. Although a good proportion of the funds are already in hand, an appeal will be launched in the next couple of weeks.


Member survey and access appeal


Share offer going great guns!