Annual Members’ Meeting

Notice of Annual Members’ Meeting

Holy Trinity Church, Amberley, Saturday, 22nd October 2022 at 10.00 am.

Light refreshments: coffee/tea and cakes will be served at the conclusion of the meeting

Please follow these links to see the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting.

The accounts to 30 April 2022 are currently being independently examined, and draft copies can be viewed here. The draft copies will be replaced with the examined ones as soon as these are available and members will be notified.

Paper copies of the accounts are not normally provided at the AMM so let us know in advance if you would like a copy.

There are a small number of vacancies on the management committee, and we would welcome nominations from anyone who would like to help. Please submit your nomination by emailing the secretary at on or before 12th October.

Also if members have a question that they would like to raise at the AMM, please email the secretary by 12th October.


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